Monday, September 17, 2007

The Legend of White Buffalo Woman By Paul Goble

Goble, Paul. 1998. The legend of white buffalo woman. Washington, D. C. : National Geographic Society. ISBN 0792270746

Times are tough for the Lakota Plains Indians with war and disappearing buffalo herds. White Buffalo Woman appears and brings a gift of a peace pipe to the Plains Indians. The pipe is to be used by the Indians to pray to the Great Spirit. When her errand is complete she turns into a white buffalo calf. Herds of brown buffalo appear and she joins in the herd. The Plains Indians now have plenty to eat and a peace pipe to use in prayer.

This picture book contains many colorful illustrations. Bright cheerful colors represent sunlight and the Plains Indian’s clothing. Dark colors are used to create the emotions of the tough times encountered by the Indians. Paul Goble’s illustrations capture the mysteriousness of the Plains Indians with attention and detail. Line, shape and color were used in every double page spread to help convey the story through illustration. An author’s note is provided at the beginning of the book as an introduction to the oral legend and significance of the Indians peace pipe. Lakota Indian pipe illustrations, details and meaning are explained in greater detail in the back of the book.


Review from KIRKUS: “Drawn just above ground level and clad in spectacular ceremonial costume, Goble's stylized figures seem appropriately larger than life, and the Lakota prayers and comments he quotes further enhance the reverent tone.”

Review from BOOKLIST: “In this picture book for older readers, Goble uses his characteristic decorative paintings to help retell an important sacred legend of the Lakota people.”


Other folktale books
Curry, Jane L. 2003. Hold up the sky: and other Indian tales from Texas and the Southern Plains.ISBN 0689852878
de Paola, Tomie. 1988. The legend of the Indian Paintbrush. ISBN 0399215344
Goble, Paul. 1997. Love flute: Story and illustrations. ISBN


*This book may be used to provide insight into different Indian cultures and during history lessons of American Indians.
* Read aloud and discuss storytelling and folk tales.

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